game of thrones – melisandre

melisandre1 (3)

Yes. Yes. I know. I’ve been absent, quiet, missing in action… just plain gone.

I began all these posts about my repainted dolls and then just… stopped. I have no excuse. Well, I actually have tons of excuses. I’ve been working. I’ve been flat out getting ready for the Etsy Makers Market. I’ve been tired.

So, just quickly – here is Melisandre – the Red Woman – from Game of thrones. First meet the doll who became Melisandre.


Then see the inspiration…


So there you have it. The Red Woman.


You know, sometimes I catch myself dreaming of a simpler life. One where I groom (work) and garden (my one and only hobby). What a nice dream that is… I’d have a lovely garden cause I’d spend my free time working in it and there’d be nothing pulling me this way and that, demanding my time. I’d work, then I’d rest, and I’d garden.

I can always dream, right?

Cause there ain’t no way it’ll happen in my life. I can’t help myself. I will always have things to do and things I want to do. There is almost no creative item or method I can look at and think “I want to try that”.

The saying might go “there’s no rest for the wicked” but it should say “there’s no rest for the creative”!




fun chalkboard doll display


While doing things yesterday, I found a box I’d painted with chalkboard paint for a project sometime last year or so and decided it was time to get it off the floor of the office.

Its actually too shallow to be a doll display shelf but I thought it might be fun to display my most recently finished Game of Thrones Bratz doll repaints in it for a while. They got tired of standing on my desk, the printer, the stack of papers to be filed and the ironing table.

So, what do you think?

I’m not sure whether I should call them makeovers or makeunders. I mean, they’re not madeUNDER are they? More like madeoverthetops… They sure aren’t Tree Change Dolls!!!

Anyway. I’ll share my Game of Thrones dolls soon. I’m really enjoying playing with dolls. Second childhood? Still on my first? I don’t know, I know I like remaking stuff. I can’t help myself. There’s just about nothing I will walk past without thinking “I can do something with that”.

It kinda explains the mess in the casita. And the white shed. And the silver shed. And the office.

Ok. I’ve been working on it. I’ve been getting rid of things. Either selling, giving away or throwing away things that I will never, ever get around to “doing something with”. Or by actually finishing them and selling them. Which is good as the money is always welcome.

I can use that to buy more stuff.

Its not my fault. I have a condition.

I have ‘I Can Do That’ syndrome. That’s where you look at something and think “I can do that” and proceed to start “doing that” with all that “that” involves – buying tools and materials to do “that”, spending hours working on “that”, filling your space with the results (and remnants) of “that”…

Its a thing! I read about it on a blog!


white horse makeover

Do you ever spend a whole day working hard, so in the zone that you don’t have breakfast till 11ish, forget lunch and then look around and think “what on earth did I do all day”?

I’ve had one of those days.

Sure, I did do a few things, but not really enough considering the hours I put in. I washed some dog blankets. I worked on 2 dolls I’m repainting. I worked on my horse makeover. I finished (mostly) my Barbie display box (will share later)… but somehow I don’t feel like I really got much done.

Anyway, here is my horse makeover. Sorry, I don’t have any before pics cause it was so truly hideous I couldn’t bring myself to take photos. Trust me. You’re better off not having seen the extreme hideousness of it. I found this little horror beauty at the tip shop, no mane, no tail, the worst smiley lips and blue eyes with painted on eyelashes. Eek.


First thing I did was remove the paint. Phew. I could look at it without gagging. Then I attacked with the Dremel.

Yep. You heard me right.

I have a brave friend who sometimes uses sandpaper to alter dolls. I’ve never had the guts to try anything like that, but this horse was so ugly I had to give it a go. Nothing to lose, you know. Using the sandpaper attachment (which I use to grind dog nails) I got rid of the lascivious smirk. Then I sanded down some of the features to soften her look (cause I’d decided it was a girl by then) and even had a go at ‘dishing’ the face a bit to give her an arab look.

Cause I’d already decided she’s going to be Daenary’s horse. For my Bratz doll makeover. Another thing I’ll share soon.


Note the bald doll head on a stick in the background. I’ve spared you the headless bodies on the other side. My office sometimes looks like Dr Frankenstein’s lab.

After all that I gave it a sand with 200 or 5000 grit sandpaper to smooth it all down. And I painted a more realistic face on her. I’m missing a photo right about here, after the hooves were painted, but you get the idea.

Then I moved on to the mane and tail. I used hair I bought on ebay, which came on stitching. I had no idea what I’d use it for when I bought it but I knew it’d come in handy one day. And so it did!


I used glue to attach the mane and tail and then used glad wrap to keep it all in place while the glue dried.

Once it was dry I poured boiling water over the hair to make it lay the way I wanted to. And over my fingers cause you have to suffer for your art.

Here is the finished product. So different to the horse I found at the tip shop. Again, trust me on that. It gave hideous new meaning.


All in all, despite not feeling like I got enough done, at least I got one thing finished.

Pat myself on the back.


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the problem with plans – and sneaky previews


I was talking to a friend this morning and the topic of plans came up. You know. Plans are those things you make only to change them along the way. Or fail to follow through with entirely.

I don’t know why this is… I mean, surely, you make plans cause you want to get the things you plan to do done, right? Obviously. But it never seems to work that way. At least not in my life.

I make plans all the time: I plan the days I’ll groom (my job), the days I’ll do some gardening, the days I’ll work on dolls or other projects. I’ll also plan to do housework – well, that one is doomed right from the start. I never get past the planning stage of that one unless I’m expecting visitors.

So, why plan when it seems that by the very act of planning I pretty much guarantee not achieving what I planned.

Maybe making plans tempts fate, maybe I just jinx myself.


Plans are different to To Do Lists. A To Do List is a list of things you’d like to get done in a day, week, month, lifetime. A plan is something something more concrete… it has a timeframe, usually…  for instance, today I planned to garden. Then I slept in till 9.30am. Took 2 hours to feed animals, have breakfast and drink 2 cups of coffee. Then I went to the local market to buy fresh bread.

Gardening? Its way too late to consider that now!

I think I may forgo making plans entirely. I’ll stick to To Do Lists and Suggested Things I’d Like To Do This Week/Day/Month/Lifetime…

Seriously, you know how I mentioned I’d love an entire wall of chalkboards? It’d be one way to keep my To Do Lists front and center.

Anyway. Moving right along.

What have I been doing that’s kept me so busy that I haven’t posted for a few days? It sure as heck wasn’t gardening.

Yet somehow, some things are doing well despite me. Like my camelia, loving its new spot on the porch and blooming!


Ditto the pink geranium which is looking lovely!


I’ve been playing with dolls again! I started on 6 new dolls all at the same time, I finished repainting them and now I’m on costumes. They take longer. But I got in the zone the last few days and lose myself in it.

Here are some sneak previews – more pics to come when they’re finished and I’m ready to list them in my shop.

Can you guess who they are?


Answer: Cersei, Joffrey, Jon Snow, Tyrion and Ygritte from Game of Thrones!

Bad photos, I know, they were taken in my office using my mobile phone – the good pics will be taken when they’re all finished.

What fun it is to remake dolls. I saw there are tiny irons for doing craft/doll type stuff. I want one. Can’t afford to spend money on that right now, but its on the Things I Want to Own One Day list.
