just one more armchair…

You know what they say? The best laid plans and all that?

Well, I had a plan for today. I was going to get up late, have a leisurely breakfast while I checked mail, had a 2nd cup of coffee, then moseyed on down to pay for 1/2 a lamb (the pre-chopped up bits for the freezer kind) on the way to meeting Merrill and picking up furniture to take up to Fentonbury to my house.

I got as far as the sleep in and the breakfast. From there the plan was derailed in a major way.

Merrill called to say Kuta (her dog) was sick and could I go help get him in the car and go to the vet with her for moral support. Kuta is an old boy with health issues, so every time something goes wrong we instantly go into ‘this could be it’ mode. Luckily for Kuta, today wasn’t the day. It was just the day for Merrill’s wallet, since dogs always get sick on weekends and public holidays.

But he’s fine, some antibiotics and maybe some minor surgery if the pills don’t do the job.

By then I was already running 2 hours late. Not that I had a timeline, but I did just want to get things done. We dropped off Kuta, I went home to get the trailer and returned to pick up Merrill to help with the furniture moving. And almost amputated her thumb with the handbrake. Don’t ask me how … one minute I was parking and cranking up the break, the next Merrill is screaming and I’m like ‘WHA????’

Thankfully, no permanent damage was done. We were able to load a couch, a cast iron single bed, a mattress and 3 armchairs onto the trailer. Not only that, we made it to Fentonbury with the load intact – looking rather like something from the Beverly Hillbillies, we had that sucker piled up so high.

I love my tie down straps!

Once there, we set about unloading, somehow harder than loading up considering we were already tired by then. Luckily one of my neighbours helped. Made the world of difference.

I love the way the house looks. Its so comfortable and cosy and welcoming now. Once the heater is replaced and we can have warm fires it’ll be wonderful.

We didn’t need a fire today though – the weather was glorious and it was so lovely being there… the fresh air, the peace and quiet, the trees. Ahhh.

There’s still a few things to take up, some small bits and pieces to do, and of course a bit of cleaning still left to do. But the feel of the place is right again.

We mainly worked on the living room and kitchen, only touching onto 2 of the bedrooms and dining room. The living room looks great though I somehow managed to lose the power cable to the tv. The coffee table is still in the casita – I haven’t finished it yet – but I rather like the living room without it…

We created a cute little sitting area between the living room and kitchen which I love. I’ve used an old cabinet I had a go at revamping a while ago. More on that soon.

The dining room is only partly finished, but its feeling right.

I’ll have more photos when things are all in place. I’ll have to go put my wrist on ice, but I feel good!

Meanwhile, just thought I’d share: I LOVE my new Facebook! Man! Now I finally get it! Now I understand why people like it! I’m finally actually reading news from my close friends!

Better go. Another big day looms tomorrow – Montana has her stitches out, a date with the bank regarding the extra money I have to now fork out once a week, dogs to groom, and, well… STUFF to do!


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