ups, downs and boxes


I’m so tired.

I begin my days early… I get up around 7am but I’m usually awake by 6. That’s when I actually sleep.

At this rate I may not need to buy another suitcase to travel with… the bags under my eyes should be big enough!

I have a coffee and something to eat and then I start working on something. The secret seems to be to just start something. Anything. Once you start its easier to keep going.

So I keep going. For some hours. Then I suddenly wind down, tired.

If I make the mistake of sitting down, having a cup of coffee… and I look around at all that still needs doing and suddenly I’m overwhelmed and paralysed again.

Sometimes I remember to have lunch. Most of the time I just eat a late lunch/early dinner. Then I usually watch TV to stop my brain a while.

We’ve had two garage sales so far. You never realise how much stuff you have till you try to put it all in one area and display it for sale. Getting ready for a garage sale of this scale is like nothing I’ve ever done before.

Last week I cleaned out the casita (that’s the original house on the property which is now a shed). That meant clearing out the storage room, the laundry room, the workshop room, the horse feed room. Then bringing in tables and other surfaces to put things out on.

It never seems to end.

It will end. I know it will. Its all that keeps me going. When I get to Melbourne I plan to sleep for about 3 days straight… getting up to eat occasionally and living in my pjs.

Meanwhile, what have I managed to do? Well, sell about half or 3/4 of my stuff. Still tons to go of course. This weekend will be the last garage sale. After that I’m concentrating on the final packing and cleaning up the property.

I can see the light at the end of the tunnel…

So. Keep me in your thoughts and send positive vibes I get through this without too much damage or loss of days from the end of my life. I was planning on those days and want to keep them.


2 thoughts on “ups, downs and boxes

  1. I haven’t replied to your posts as it takes up your time to read. Lol

    I downsized and moved out of a family home 8 years ago. It was brutal! Luckily I had two men friends who were with me every step.

    I’m think of you with joy and sadness. I know yours was a bigger decision and job for than mine was for me. But it did get done and I moved 3 poodles with me.


    • LOL thanks for being so considerate Barbara! Its been really hard and very stressful, thats for sure. But in 2 weeks the worst of it will be done. I just have to hang out till then. After that the stress will be finding a new home for the poodles. Only then can I rest.


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